Bharga Mitraa

India is a civilization turned nation. All the human aspects of spirituality has been materialized as India by the almighty. The scientific heritage of this country is unique, divinely nectar, forever new yet ancient. Tantra, yoga and veda are the exclusive manifestations of the cosmos for wisdom, worship and realization. "Bharga Mitraa" is the classical creation of our heritage and time.

You are welcome to experience the graceful healing of Sathguru Sri Swaminatha Mahadevshakthi. From the lineage of Maharshi Agasthya, Guruji is well versed in Srividya, Sidhha Tantra, Shivraja Yoga, Spiritual Healing, Tantric Astrology, Marma Sutra among many other disciplines.

As a tantric healer and yoga guru he has been serving the depressed and diseased over the years through out the country and abroad. His blessings and healing hands are reaching out to you.